Law Enforcement

We empower Law Enforcement Organizations to drive operational efficiencies and increased productivity through digital evidence and records management solutions that automate labor-intensive tasks.

We will work with you to identify and implement the right systems and processes to reduce errors and collect, manage, distribute, retain, archive, and destroy evidence and records with a flexible implementation approach.

Our US-based development and technical support teams are dedicated to serving you per the high standards of excellence required by the law enforcement community.

Evidence Workflows – SOPHIA

Our SOPHIA solution for evidence and records management is created and configured to automate daily tasks, collaboration, and compliance requirements

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Collect, Store, Distribute Physical Media – EDS

Our Evidence Disc Systems and USB solution automate the collection and distribution of physical evidence

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Tamper-Proof, Long-Term Storage – ELS/RPS

Our ELS Optical Libraries provide a tamper-proof method to store, archive, and preserve critical data so that it is impossible to delete, impossible to re-encrypt, impossible to infect, and truly immutable

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Faith-Based Organizations

SOPHIA empowers faith-based organizations to maximize the utility of their digital content and help them spread their message farther and faster!

By consolidating your content and enhancing searchability, security, and sharing, SOPHIA saves time, money, and resources.  Enable your team with additional time to create new, inspiring content that grows your membership and moves your mission forward.

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Intelligent Search

Natural language search (with optional AI-enhancement) to quickly find specific religious texts, sermons, and important historical resources.

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Secure Sharing

Access controls, one-time passwords, automatic links, and resolution options for social channels provide flexibility, speed, and privacy when sending content externally.

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Flexible Integration

Complements existing architecture and investments to automate and optimize your content management workflows.

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Sports, Media & Entertainment

Sports video management continues to be an important part of the game. Coaches study practice films and compare performance to competitive teams to see the win now and into the future. The entertainment industry releases new music, television pilots, and movie trailers and releases. Audience testing and reviews by professional screeners can make or break a release, and on-demand digital publishing and distribution shapes the industry.

Internal Review

Practice makes perfect, but good coaching makes the practice. Whether in sports, music, or theater, an effective coach will study your work and give you pointers to improve performance. Sports teams and entertainers use Rimage disc publishing to easily produce and distribute performances for internal review.

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Getting your new content out to your audience is a snap with digital publishing. Content is secure, reliable, and conveniently distributed to editors, screeners and publishers. Test-market your pilot to a select audience for feedback before national distribution.

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Highlight Reels

Highlight reels showcase your best work and capture the enthusiasm and loyalty of your fans. Build engagement with free discs, or add a “best of” series to your product portfolio. Fans of all forms of entertainment enjoy owning their own copies to enjoy again and again.

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Print Services

For our Print Services customers, new avenues of revenue generation, customer retention and operating efficiencies are a few drivers for partnering with us.

We work with you to understand your current workflows, recommend a solution that aligns to your budget and goals, implement, train and provide support.  Our content management software, distribution, storage and archiving solutions are tailored to complement your existing infrastructure and scale based on your needs.  Our US-based technical services team is the highest rated in the industry and will provide timely support.

Revenue and Digital Transformation

Customers who use print services want access to their digital assets in a secure repository where they can edit, collaborate, backup, and restore their content.  Resources are tight and need to be freed from manual digital content management tasks.  We provide you with the tools, processes, and software to accomplish these goals with SOPHIA.

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Disc Publishing

Getting your new content out to your audience is a snap with digital publishing. Content is secure, reliable, and conveniently distributed to editors, screeners and publishers. Test-market your pilot to a select audience for feedback before national distribution.

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Tamper-Proof, Long-Term Storage – ELS/RPS

Our ELS Optical Libraries provide a tamper-proof method to store, archive, and preserve critical data so that it is impossible to delete, impossible to re-encrypt, impossible to infect, and truly immutable

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As a member of the medical industry, one of your primary concerns is managing a rapidly growing body of electronic medical records (EMR). Streamline data management and patient record distribution processes and control costs with Rimage digital publishing systems.

Integrated in leading medical DICOM software solutions at the heart of healthcare information distribution solutions, these powerful, industrial-grade solutions are engineered for unattended and round-the-clock operation and integrate seamlessly with most picture archiving and communication systems (PACS) and medical imaging and information systems used throughout the world.

Patient Records Distribution

Automate release of information

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Medical Imaging

Distribute medical images quickly.

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Electronic Medical Records (EMR)

Streamline electronic medial record workflows.

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Banks and financial institutions around the globe rely on Rimage systems to manage large amounts of secure data easily and efficiently.

Whether distributing financial data to your business customers, submitting records to meet compliance regulations, or saving important data for long-term retention, Rimage disc publishing systems will handle it all with ease.


With 256 bit high security encryption standards and password protection, sensitive financial data remains secure. Unlike electronic file transfer, optical media is “Write Once” so no one can alter or infect your recorded content.

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Provide relevant financial records on disc for cost-effective, safe distribution to clients and regulators. This delivery method saves paper, postage, time, and storage space while giving the bank customer far superior access to data. Meet compliance requirements with timely, safe, efficient records transfer.

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hand reaching into disc storage case


Financial establishments use Rimage systems to archive statements and reports, loan and mortgage documents, brokerage transactions and broker activities, and many other types of files. Optical media gives organizations large and small control over their digital data, resolving the retention dilemma.

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When you have an expansive set of data on servers, such as movies, music, audio books, documents, and other digital files, you don’t want to invest time and money in producing and storing copies at the risk of oversupply or outdated inventory.

Manufacturing on demand (MOD) allows you to deliver high-quality, professional results without inventory-related costs and concerns.

High Volume Production

High-volume, uninterrupted CD, DVD and Blu-ray Disc manufacturing on demand requires speed and reliability. Streamline production and meet customer expectations for prompt product delivery and quality with Rimage solutions.

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Software Developers

As a software developer, you will appreciate Rimage systems’ support in creating unique software masters and software beta releases for market tests, and for commercial delivery of software titles. Create accurate, professional, and inexpensive updates, patches and fixes for distribution to individual end users or small groups.

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Customized Disks

Each disc is manufactured on demand, with entirely customized contents. Consumers can pick their favorite television shows and seasons to add to their collections. The most current releases of technical manuals are copied to disc and shipped with new equipment. Universities prepare customized and updated courseware for students in each class.

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Legal firms use Rimage systems to help manage the vast amount of data that is collected, reviewed, and distributed. Optical media is ideal for long-term storage, and WORM (Write Once Read Many) technology ensures the data is tamper-proof.

Rimage disc publishing solutions are safe and secure – protecting your information from those who shouldn’t have it so you can easily provide it to those who should.

Case Management and Record Retention

Gathering data to support your case takes time and money. Your team needs to conduct discovery, study legal precedent, and analyze relevant files. Keep case files on optical media for reliable and cost-effective storage and accessibility, whether the case takes months or years.

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Record Distribution

Provide relevant files on disc for cost-effective, timely distribution to clients and counsel. This delivery method saves paper, postage, time, and storage space while providing far superior access to data. With 256 bit high security encryption standards and password protection, sensitive data remains secure.

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Legal Orders / Subpoenas

Corporations face a massive undertaking when receiving a legal order (subpoena) requiring document retrieval. Eliminate overwhelming paper copies, save time and money by securely distributing files on disc to corporate attorneys (prosecution and defense) and judges.

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Government agencies across the globe use Rimage systems to gather, analyze, and distribute data. Rimage disc publishing supports local services including education, planning, libraries, and law enforcement.

On a larger agency scale, you’ll find tax records, intelligence, satellite images, and military data created on Rimage systems for secure distribution. Specialized Rimage systems serve local, regional, and national law enforcement agency workflows.

Records Distribution

Distribution and storage of information is an important function of federal and state governments. Rimage systems support IRS distribution of forms and archival of data, the U.S. Postal Service distribution of address changes and engineering data, NASA recording of data compiled from space probes, and Census Bureau distribution of economic reports and demographics.

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Law Enforcement

When laws are created, they must also be enforced. Local, state, and federal law enforcement agencies use Rimage Evidence Disc Systems (EDS) to automatically collect, copy, review and export digital evidence to standardized and portable disc media. Designed for law enforcement workflows, EDS is the industry’s highest-performing, most reliable solution for automatically processing evidence to […]

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Government or Educational Customer?

If you are authorized to purchase using GSA Schedule pricing, please access the GSA Advantage website at when ready to purchase.

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Rimage systems are widely used in education and corporate training.

Course work provided on disc by schools and universities makes materials accessible to students on demand, eliminating the need for WIFI access or carrying heavy binders and reference books.

Corporate and trade association uses include producing discs for training and self-help materials and recording conference proceedings for distribution on disc.

Student Handouts

With Rimage disc publishing systems, your school district can standardize coursework, developing and distributing CDs to teachers, students, and support staff. Everyone will be on the same page and contents are easily updated to reflect the current curriculum and focus.

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Distance Learning

Student Projects

Provide your students with affordable DVD and CD recordings of school radio, TV and video studio productions, using Rimage systems to store and distribute unique student videos and projects. Each student can leave school with a digital portfolio of their school work, whether audio, video, or data.

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